

Let’s set up a One-on-One Session where I can tell you about how we can work together.

Choose between…

VIP Coaching: We’ll be diving into a 3-6 month program where I’ll be helping your craft your story, put together your power points, refine your presentation skills, put your programs and packages together and so much more.

In 3 months you will have a first draft of your speech or presentation and a short piece directed by me.

In 6 months you will have a revised speech and show completely directed by me and you will have a promotional plan in place.

Click here to set up your complementary VIP DISCOVERY CALL to see if it’s a fit!
This is an investment in yourself of time and money.




Coach with BRENDA one-on-one for 90 Days!

Tree of Life Coaching Package

Sign up and RECEIVE  private transformatice coaching with Brenda.

We meet 3 times a month for 45 minutes by phone for 90 days.

These calls are FILLED with every essential skill, secret and strategy you need to get moving and start experiencing real freedom.

I’m talking about PERSONAL mentoring by me…serious time on the phone, one-on-one…getting lots and lots of detailed, focused and CUSTOM time where I start coaching your core issues and old limiting beliefs out of you so you can start creating the life you know you were meant to lead.

Sign-up here and let’s get started.

Tree of Life Forgiveness Coaching

When we meet consecutive weeks a mid-week email check in is included for accountability during your coaching weeks. 

Let’s get you experiencing more joy and freedom and intimacy right now.

Have a question? Email me at brenda (at) forgivenessandfreedom (dot) com and I will get back to you within 48 hours.
Tree of Life Coaching in the subject line so it goes to the top of my inbox

Your STORY Made Simple

What’s your life shifting story?

You know, that story that changed you to your very core…let you know that since it didn’t kill you it would make you stronger.

Maybe you are still working your way into the fullness of the lessons you received during that time.

And how on earth does THAT STORY relate to your business?

Let me show you how…not only does it relate to your business but once you have your clarify your life message there will be no stopping you from sharing it.

Why would you? It’s part of creating and leaving your legacy.

Discover how to:

* turn a BIG event in your life into a Captivating Story
*heal whatever needs to be healed so it can be empowering process for you to share it (vs a downer)

*release whatever stories about it- and the shame, guilt, sorrow into the nothingness from whence it came so you can take your mask off, share freely and not care what others think! (Oh yeah!)

* articulate your story in a way that engages, inspires, challenges and uplifts your audiences (fans on their way!)- There’s over ten writing techniques in this program.

*share your story on different platforms and in the media so you shine, are invited to do more interviews and you are comfortable sharing your story (and more of yourself) at networking events.

5 Training Modules

Personal Coaching


Find out everything by clicking here!


YOU on Video Made Simple

Let me be your secret weapon!

This program takes everything I’ve learned from…

  • attending top acting classes in Los Angeles and New York and London for over a decade

  • traveling the world acting in her critically acclaimed one-woman show (based on her life story) My Brooklyn Hamlet, for audiences as diverse as mental health trainers, youth-at-risk, women prisoners and at theatresl

  • getting a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology and being a transformational life coach

  • being interviewed for multiple media outlets including FOX TV morning news

  • and working as a personal stylist (I know what you should wear in your videos)

She combines it all to help YOU uncover any blocks you have to BECOMING MORE VISIBLE


*Welcome Video 

*Thank You Page Video

* Free Video Tips Series

*Video Blog (Vlog)

* Video Posts On Social Media

*Story Video (About Me Page)

* How To Videos

*YouTube Videos

*Video Interviews

*Your Facebook Lives

Find out how you can work with me one-on-one and join here for YOU on Video!

Brenda’s signature 12 module training for performers and entrepreneurs who want to stand outin their Talks

aka Your Story and Your Talent on Stage

In this 24/7 access virtual video training course you’ll learn how to:

  • stand out

  • be interesting

  • engaging

  • have people want to work with you

  • have audiences hang onto your words and

  • anoint you the expert in your field.

It’s time to truly be you, isn’t it?

Discover how to-

get out of your own way

expand your definition of success and

connect with other incredibly talented women and men inside our private FB group.

You’ll discover..

-how to create your show from the beginning (or get your material to another level of excellence)

-all the secrets and tips I learned from performing my show for over 12,000 people and being interviewed by NPR and Fox TV news.

-how to best promote yourself

-how to negotiate contracts so you make money right away and

why starting with a short scene (2-10 minutes) has you stand out from the sea of speakers and presenters.

Plus- you’ll have private access to me in our very active Program FB group every week for 90 days.

And so much more.

Find out all the details for Create, Promote and Profit with a One-Person Show (including your one on one coaching time with me) and sign-up here!


My Father Killed My Mother and Married My Aunt: Forgiving the Unforgivable (Memoir/Forgiveness Guide)

My Father Killed My Mother and Married My Aunt: Forgiving the Unforgivable is a blend of memoir style writing with lots of powerful personal stories and a workbook to help its readers — YOU — experience direct results —

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FREEDOM from judgments of yourself and others and HAPPINESS.

Available on Amazon as a Kindle book for just $2.99


Here’s a note I received from a reader:

I found your book very healing and inspiring. We all know that we should find it in our hearts to forgive one another, but sometimes we find it next to impossible. I found myself still being angry and easily set off. The wounds never seemed to heal.I buried my anger and never discussed it with anyone. I knew I was wronged, but at the end of the day, who cares if you are right. Logically, I know that I should be able to move past anything, but in my heart, I couldn’t forgive.One of the best exercises I found most helpful was journaling and being completely honest with my feelings, thoughts and not holding back. It terrified me at how savage my thoughts became, but it felt like I had finally released a lot of my anger. Second, was sending light to the persons who wronged me just before going to bed. Then, asking for light to be shined on me to help me heal as I sleep.It took about a month of doing these daily exercises before I began to feel like I’ve gotten these off my chest. They were not easy in fact, I’d procrastinate a lot, scared of what other things I would write in my journal. I don’t know if I’ll completlely heal, but I feel like I can move forward with my life with less bitterness. When I feel someone touching my wound, at least I can pause and react rationally. Thank you Brenda for writing this book. Richard S Los Angeles Real Estate Investor

Want to set up a free Sacred Story Session to see what program, group or service will fit your needs?

There is no obligation to purchase anything and you may just have an AHA or insight that changes the course of your life!

You can sign up by clicking here!