Several years ago I started attending a program called Consciousness, Health and Healing. During one of the month’s we learned about the importance of tapping into our innate wisdom during our dreams at night. Being someone who usually doesn’t remember my dreams I found the assignment to learn from our dreams daunting.

I learned that it is possible to remember your dreams if you set a clear and conscious intention right before you go to sleep. Then on awakening don’t move for several minutes so you can bring the unconscious to the conscious in an undisturbed way. Keep a blank notebook next to your bed so that when you do get up you can write things down.

Over the years I’ve met some wonderful people who specialize in analyzing dreams. One colleague and friend is Cynthia Richmond and she wrote a book about dreams. She’s also had a TV show and a column about dreams.

A few weeks ago when I was going through a (mini) dark night of the soul( which I shared with my Forgiveness and Freedom ezine readers) I decided to tap into my innate wisdom by setting an intention to clear whatever anxiety was coming forth in my life during the day during my dreams at night. I asked that I remember only what I needed to take action on and that I would be well rested through the process.

OMG, this process works.

I started to wake up peaceful and excited about my days. I moved out of the stage of over-thinking that I was in and the stories, pictures and symbols that were revealed to me in my dreams allowed me to continue to trust in Spirit and recognize that I was still being guided and I wasn’t alone.

Please share any stories you may have about how dreams have been an important part of your healing. Either comment here or email me.

In heartfelt dreaming and forgiveness,
