October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

My dad murdered my mom in October 17 years ago.

If you are being silenced by the abuse you are suffering from someone you love please know there are services available to help you in your local communities and reach out. You are not alone and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

It’s time to love yourself enough to put your well-being above that of the abuser. I know that is easier said than done. I know firsthand.I had a boyfriend who laid his hands on me when I was in my twenties. Luckily I got out of that relationship after a few months.

Not everyone is that lucky.

I saw my mother destroy her well-being as she sunk deeper and deeper into depression, low self-esteem and fear because of her co-dependence on my father. The last year of her life was spent steeped in emotional pain and a lifetime of regret.

She was scared my father would kill her (I didn’t know this at the time) …and he did.

She didn’t get the help she needed. I believe she was too filled with shame to ask for it.

I don’t want that to happen to you or someone you know.

If you are scared to leave your situation I implore you to contact your local domestic violence shelter to get the assistance you need.

In the embrace of self-love and self-honor,
